3 Σεπ 2008

Etymology: dessert, desert, dissert

From the "A Word a Day" daily subscription (a new word with its meaning and examples comes to your mailbox everyday) - thanks Eleni!



MEANING:verb intr.: To speak or write at length on a subject.

ETYMOLOGY:From Latin disserere (to arrange in order), from dis- (apart, away) + serere (to join). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ser- (to line up), that is also the source of words such as series, assert, desert (to abandon), desert (a dry sandy region), sort, consort, and sorcerer.

NOTES:Here are various words with similar looks and sounds, some related, some not:
dessert (di-ZUHRT), as in "fat-free dessert", from French desservir (to clear the table)
desert (DEZ-uhrt), as in "the Sahara", from Latin deserere (to abandon)
desert (di-ZUHRT), as in "to desert the army", from Latin deserere (to abandon)
desert (di-ZUHRT), as in "to receive just deserts", from Latin deservire (to serve zealously)

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