2 Δεκ 2008

Film slang-Snatch


behave - normally pron. 'bee-ave'. Meaning 'sort yourself out', 'stop being silly' etc. Can be used in an agressive manner as if to say 'stop doing that, or else'.

bent - crooked, illegal.

bet your bollocks to a barn dance - a new one to me, but as far as I can tell it is similar to 'bet your life' or 'bet your arse'.

black stuff - the Irish stout Guinness.

bollocks - A very common swear word in the UK. It can be traced back to the 11th century and means testicles.

bookie's - an abreviation for bookmakers (betting office).

clocked - to see / be seen. e.g. "Shit, we've been clocked !".

cunt - seen as the strongest swear word in the English language. See main pages under 'C' for details.

disco biscuits - ecstacy (the drug).

drip dry 'em - could be either similar to the phrase "leaving someone out to dry" or may be a reference to cutting the throat of a victim and draining the blood (like with cattle).

funky - smelly.

goody gumdrops - a sarcastic usage of the childish phrase which is an expression of pleasure.

grainers - The only thing I can find is a reference to bullets, probably shot-gun pellets.

grand - one thousand pounds.

grasses - Informers.

Jacob's - Rhyming Slang for 'Jacob's Cream Crackers' - 'knackers' which is slang for 'testicles'.

k - a thousand pounds.

large - a thousand pounds. e.g. "Ten large to help the situation".

melees - close combat, weapons such as knives etc.

Mickey Mouse - fake.

minerals - testicles. This comes from the Rhyming Slang term 'Family Jewels' (pron. "jawls") = 'balls'.

moody - stolen.

mucker - friend / mate.

mustard - good.

next time I'm climbing off your mum.... - offensive statement indicating that you've shagged their mum.

pedigree chums - Pedidree Chums is a pet food for dogs. A chum is a friend. This is a play on words - maybe with a violent undertone hinting that they will be dog food soon ?

pikey - a gypsy or vagrant. This term comes from the 'Kentish' dialect word 'pike' meaning 'toll-gate'. Later in the 19th century 'a pike' was 'a road'.

porky pies - lies.

rascal - troublemaker, sometimes used as a term for a 'lovable rogue'.

shite - northern dialect version of 'shit'.

schtrops - (yiddish) useless, not worth the time.

son - a very common term of address for any male.

spurious - not real, dodgy.

taking the piss - extreemly common term for 'making fun of'.

tip-top - great condition. Archaic upper class term.

tucked up - conned, tricked.

wanker - idiot, dispicable person. Literally means to masturbate.

who took the jam out of your doughnut ? - who spoilt your fun ?

Yardie - Jamaican gangster.

Check the link http://www.londonslang.com/db/film_slang/ for more slang from "Lock, stock and two smoking barrels" and "Sliding doors"

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